When in residence, Lama Gelong Sangyay Tendzin dedicate all his time to the thriving of THEG-CHOG NORBU LING® and its members.
Amongst several tasks such as the management of all activities conducted at TNG-Centre®, leading the regular religious ceremonies, advicing the Karma-Yoga practices of the residents, teaching the ordained monastic and lay sangha, while maintaining daily his personal spiritual practice, Lama Sangyay Tendzin offers as much as times allows, private interviews to both, the resident sangha members as well as visitors, eager to respond to their needs and advise them in ways to bring more harmony to their life.
Eager to respect the calm and tranquility of the monastic community, private interviews for the non-residents are usually restricted. Making appointment is mandatory and can be done through email HERE.
Thank you!