The foremost vision of Lama Sangyay Tendzin in establishing  "THEG-CHOG NORBU LING" is to bring the Tibetan Karma Kamtshang Dharma to the region of Aude.

This vision has been supported by Lama's Vajradhara Guru, His Holiness Karmapa, Orgyen Thrinley, as well as by His Eminence Vajradhara Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche.

During the last twenty years, Lama Sangyay Tendzin established a small monastery on the premises of Le Moulin, a property located nearby the village of Fourtou in the Southern French department of Aude. THEG-CHOG NORBU LING hosts now a community of a dozen residents who are engaged in the daily practice of Dharma under Lama's guidance. This community counts today ordained monks and nuns as well as upasikas, upasakas and lay practitioners.

To further manifest his vision, Lama wishes now to organise larger events hosting the main masters of the lineage, thus exposing the public to the blessings of the esoteric transmissions of the sacred Dharma through the bestowal of initiations or empowerments.

Gyalton Rinpoche's Visit 2022

Khyungpo Gyaltön Rinpoche is one of the very important spiritual fathers of the Karma Kagyu lineage. The first incarnation, along with the first Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa, was one of the heart-sons of Lord Gampopa. The previous incarnation was a Kenchen appointed by His Holiness 16th Karmapa, at His monastic seat of Tshurphu in Tibet. Guru to the King of Sikkim, Rinpoche served as teacher of many eminent masters; amongst them were the previous Very Venerable Kalu Rinpoche, and the Most Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, the His Holiness XIIth Tai Situpa, as well as His Eminence Sangyay Nyenpa Rinpoche, and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.
Presently, Rinpoche has been appointed by His Holiness Guru Vajradhara Kenting Tai Situpa as His representative, and as Dorje Lopön (Vajra Master) at Palpung Sherab Ling in India.
On His first visit to Theg-Chog Norbu Ling®, Rinpoche confered teachings, empowerments, and oral transmissions to the sangha. It is an extraordinary opportunity as the importance of receiving these initiations and realizations from a master of his stature is rare for the maturation of our spiritual path.

Venerable Tenga Rinpoche's Visit 2007

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