Naljorma Lekshey Phagmo
Naljorma Lekshey PhagmoFounding Director of TNG-Centre, Director of Religious Affairs at THEG-CHOG NORBU LING & Chief Editor at KONCHOG TSEGPA PARKHANG

Karma Lekshey Phagmo’s maternal family is the direct decedent of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Yong Lo, who inspired by a dream of Avalokiteshvara, invited Karmapa to visit China in 1406 C. Later the Emperor made a replica of a crown bestowed by the dakinis and offered the Black Crown to the 5th Karmapa, Dezhin Shekpa. Karma Lekshey Phagmo met Lama Sangyay Tendzin when he was living in Tibet and was the coordinator in the various charitable projects established by Lama in Tibet. For over 33 years, under Lama Sangyay's guidance, Naljorma Lekshey Phagmo has accomplished several major retreats. She teaches regularly at TNG, and supervises the Dharma Publishing House, Konchog Tsegpa Parkhang under the auspiciousness His Holiness 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje.
