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Humanitarian Projects

Lama Sangyay Tendzin, alias Lama Norbu Repa, arrived in France after two decades spent in the Himalayas where he led several socio-cultural projects to help Tibetan nomads in the highlands of QingHai province, in the region called Kham-Nangchen , in eastern Tibet. The experience he lived there was inspired by an authentic motivation of Bodhiccita in application.
In the early 90s, after a dozen years of meditative retreats, Lama created the NCF-Nyi-Thang Charitable Foundation® registered in Hong Kong. It was the very first charitable foundation operating in Kham-Nangchen.

Under the auspices of this foundation, Lama Sangyay Tendzin led many projects to help the poor and the needy:

  • Fully furnished dormitories for a hundred students from Drog-Chog school;
  • A free mobile clinic and an administrative office in the city of Chumda;
  • A complete orphanage that can accommodate 125 children on the mountainous site of Dritog near the city of Yushu;
  • Distribution of three hundred tons of Tsampa (the basis of nomadic nutrition) in extreme climatic conditions (40 Celsius below zero);
  • Sponsorship programs for the education of poor and needy children.

Inspired and supported by a regular practice of meditation, these programs were completed within seven years.
Following these assistance projects, Lama Sangyay Tendzin returned to Europe to initiate "THEG-CHOG NORBU LING®" in order to transmit and promote the teachings of the Tibetan Buddha-dharma.

For the past twenty-five years, he combined the practice of Karma Yoga (Yoga in activity) with the study of Dharma and the practice of meditation. This resulted in the creation of a small monastic community of a dozen residents.

More than ever, the humanitarian activity of Lama Sangyay Tendzin remains a reality, yet present in a more subtle form: supported by a group of ten well-trained residents, his interaction with the world takes the form of intensive prayer sessions, meditation supported by traditional Tibetan practices and rituals.

Enhanced by an environmentally friendly lifestyle, the THEG-CHOG NORBU LING® community offers Buddhist religious services to meet the needs of the local community as well as individual requests.

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