Daily Recitation TextPalpung Sherab Ling38
The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Longchen Nyingtik NgöndroRigpa Translations58
The Kagyu Ngadzod Chenmo KawangDensa Palchen Chosling49
La colère et autres poisons de l'espritClaire-Lumière96
La vacuité- la face cachée des apparencesClaire-Lumière95
Le choral du nom du Sublime ManjusriArma Artis63
200Le Message du futur Bouddha ou la Lignée Spirituelle des Trois JoyauxDervy486
A.BAKER, IANLe Temple secret du Dalai LamaTHAMES & HUDSON216
AbhayadattaHistoire de la libération des quatre-vingt-quatre MahâsiddhasPadmakara240
Agate, MarcLe rugissement de lion de la princesse ShrimalaClaire-Lumière87
Agate, MarcLe soutra de l'essence du TatagathaClaire-Lumière72
Agate, MarcTraité de la continuité sublime du Grand VéhiculeClaire-Lumière127
Ahkon, JetsunmaThe Spiritual PathPayul Press143
Akong Tulku RinpocheTaiming the Tiger- Tibetan teachings for improving daily lifeDzalendhara Publishing200
Alexander BerzinDeveloping Balanced SensitivitySnow Lion Publications275
Amitayus Lama TseringDharmakaya stupa : the natural peace of mind openness is clear awareness of your wisdom, the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni's eight kinds of holy stupaA.L. Tsering228
Andrew QuintmanThe Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet's Great Saint MilarepaColumbia University Press336
ANONYMELa vie de NaropaSeuil176
Anyen RinpocheDying with Confidence: A Tibetan Buddhist Guide to Preparing for DeathWisdom Publications MA192
Apple, James B.Atisa Dipamkara- Illuminator of the awakened mindShambhala303
Arya Maitreya, AsangaThe Changeless NatureKarma Kagyu Trust180
Bardor Tulku RinpocheThe Daily Guru Rinpoché Sachana with Tsok- The Continuing Combined Practice of Vidyadhara GuruKunzang Palchen Ling162
Bardor Tulku RinpocheLiving in CompassionRinchen Inc.171
Bardor Tulku RinpocheLong Guru Rinpoché Tsok Sadhana- The continuing Combined Practice of Vidhyadhara GuruKunzang Palchen Ling67
Bardor Tulku RinpocheThe Practice of Green TaraKunzang Palchen Ling63
Bardor Tulku RinpocheRest for the Fortunate: The Extraordinary Practice of NyungneRinchen Pubns215
Bardor Tulku RinpocheTeaching on the Tashi PrayerRinchen Pubns40
Barou, Sylvie Crossman & Jean-PierreTibet La roue du temps Pratique du MandalaActes Sud94
Barway DorjeTreasury of EloquenceKTD Publications317
Beru Khyentse Rinpoche - H. H. Karmapa IX, Wanchug DorjeThe Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of IgnoranceTitles Distributed by South Asia Book Distributors194
Bhattacharyya BenoytoshScience of Cosmic Ray Therapy or TeletherapyKessinger Publishing, LLC136
Bhuwan Lal PradhanSwayambhuSamuel Josephson & son51
Bokar Tulku RinpocheChenrezig, lord of love : principles and methods of deity meditation /..Clearpoint Press110
Bokar Tulku RinpocheDeath and the Art of Dying in Tibetan BuddhismClearpoint Press144
Bokar Tulku RinpocheLa méditation- Conseils aux débutantsClaire-Lumière93
Bokar Tulku RinpocheMeditation : Advice to beginnersClearpoint Press150
Bokar Tulku RinpocheTaking the bodhisattiva vowClearpoint Press,U.S.128
Bonavia, DavidChina UnknownChina Guides Series142
Bongsar, Sremo TsodiNangchen Sremo: The story of Sremo Tsodi Bongsar from Nangchen and a brief recent history of the Bongsar familyVajra Publications
Boord, Martin J.A bolt of lightning from the blue : the vast commentary on Vajrakila that clearly defines the essential pointsEdition Khordong367
Braitstein, LaraThe Adamantine SongsAmerican Institute of Buddhist Studies256
BRAUEN, MARTINLes Dalai-Lamas - Les 14 reincarnations du Bodhisattva AvalokitesvaraFaVRE303
BRAUEN, MARTINMandala cercle sacré du bouddhisme tibétainFaVRE175
Bunson Mathew E.The Dalai Lama Book of WisdomRider&Co257
BURNIE, DaVIDLes fleurs de méditerrannéeMondo318
BUSQUET, GERARD & CARISSEVoyage dans l'Inde du Bouddha- BodhagayaClaire-Lumière190
CARRIERE, SS DALAI LAMA & Jean-claudeLa force du bouddhisme- Mieux vivre dans le monde d'aujourd'huiRobert laffont259
Chagdud KhadroP'howa CommentaryPilgrims Publishing,India112
Chagdud Tulku RinpocheGates to Buddhist PracticePilgrims Publishing225
Chagdud Tulku RinpocheLife in relation to deathPadma Publishing96
Chagdud Tulku RinpocheLord of the dance : the autobiography of a Tibetan lamaPadma Publishing248
Chamaria, PradeepKailash Manasarovar on the rugged road to revelationAbhinav Publications106
Chan Khoon SanBuddhist Pilgrimage New EditionMajujaya Indah Sdn. Bhd.242
ChangMasterpieces of Chineses- Tibetan Buddhist Altar FittingsNational Palace Museum86
Charrier, ChristianL'ondée de sagesse- Les chants de la lignée KagyudClaire-Lumière491
Chenagtsang, Dr NidaPath to rainbow bodySorig Press111
Ching, Hu ZeYong Her Temple- The Imperial Temple in BeijingBeijing Economic Journal Publishing House91
Ching, Ling ZaoThe Story of the Young Karmapa life in ExileYuen Zen Publishing House261
Chogyal Namkhai NorbuYantra Yoga: Tibetan Yoga Of MovementSnow Lion416
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheBorn In TibetShambhala
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheCrazy WisdomShambhala216
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheCutting Through Spiritual MaterialismShambhala250
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe essentialShambhala272
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheFirst Thought, Best ThoughtShambhala224
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheGlimpses of AbhidharmaShambhala128
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheGreat Eastern Sun : The Wisdom of ShambhalaShambhala Publications, Inc.265
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheIllusion's GameShambhala192
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheJourney Without Goal: The Tantric Wisdom of the BuddhaShambhala160
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe Life of Marpa the TranslatorShambhala324
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheMeditation in actionShambhala100
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheMudraShambhala112
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe Myth of FreedomShambhala176
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheOrderly ChaosShambhala196
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe Path is the GoalShambhala179
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe Rain of Wisdom: The Essence of the Ocean of True MeaningShambhala384
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheShambala- The Sacred path of the WarriorShambhala202
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheThe Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation Through Hearing In The Bardo (Shambhala Classics)Shambhala144
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheTimely rain : selected poetry of Chogyam TrungpaShambhala240
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheTraining the Mind and Cultivating Loving-KindnessShambhala144
Chogyam Trungpa RinpocheTranscending MadnessShambhala288
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche - Francesca Fremantle, Guru Rinpoche-Karma LingpaThe Tibetan Book of the DeadShambhala256
Chogye Trichen RinpocheParting From The Four Attachments: A Commentary On Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen's Song Of Experience On Mind Training And The ViewSnow Lion200
Chokyi Nyima RinpocheIndisputable TruthRupa & Co205
Chokyi Nyima RInpoche, GampopaThe Precious Garland of the Sublime PathRangjung Yeshe Publications72
Cook, ElizabethThe Stupa- Sacred Symbol of EnlightmentYeshe De Project437
CORNU, PHILIPPEDICTIONNAIRE encyclopédique du BouddhismeSeuil841
CORNU, PHILIPPELe manuscrit d'or/ Les visions secrètes du Cinquième Dalai LamaFINDAKLY189
Crystal Mirror SeriesHoly Places of the BuddhaDharma Publishing481
Cyrus StearnsTaking the Result as the Path: Core Teachings of the Sakya Lamdre Tradition (Library of Tibetan Classics)Wisdom Publications800
D. T. Suzuki, AsvaghosaAwakening of Faith in the MahayanaJain Publishing Company160
Dakpo Tashi NamgyalClarifying the Natural StateRangjung Yeshe Publications108
Dakpo Tashi NamgyalRayons de lune- Les étapes de la méditation du MahamudraTsadra Foundation519
Damchö, LhundrubKarmapa : 900 yearsKTD Publications124
Dang, ChangLife Story of MilarepaHaergu Publishing318
Dargyay, Eva K.Bardo Todhol- Le livre tibétain des mortsAlbin Michel220
Dargyay, Eva K.Bardo Todhol- Le livre tibétain des mortsAlbin Michel177
David TemplemanTaranatha's Life of Krsnacarya/KanhaLTWA176
DEMANGE, AGNESYoga Tibétain de Tsering NyimaPardès119
Desi Sangye GyatshoThe Mirror of BerylWisdom Publications696
DharmakirtiEstablishing Validity: The First Chapter of Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso's Ocean of Literature on Logic & the Corresponding Chapter from Dharmakirti's Commentary on ValidityKTD Publications343
Dhondup TseringSpeak Tibetan like a TibetanPilgrims Publishing161
Dieter GlogowskiBuddhism: Eight Steps to HappinessC J Bucher Verlag
Dilgo Khyentse & Padampa SangyeLes Cent Conseils de Padampa SangyéPadmakara127
Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheEnlightened CourageEd. Padmakara120
Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheGuru YogaSnow Lion104
Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheThe Heart Treasure of the Enlightened OnesShambhala240
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Padampa SangyeThe Hundred Verses of AdviceShambhala208
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Padampa SangyeThe Hundred Verses of AdviceShambhala208
Dorje, LobsangVivre et mourir sans regretFPMT
Dorje, Nicolas Tournadre & SangdaManuel de tibétain standard- langue et civilisationL'asiathèque606
Douglas, NikTibetan Tantric Charms & Amulets
Dr. Tsering DhondupTibetan MedicineTsering Lhamo
Dr. Tsering Thakchoe DrungtsoTibetan MedicineDrungtso Publications498
Dr., Chan PedroFinger AcupressureLife & Health Centre Ltd92
Dr.Stanley FryeNagarjuna's a Drop of Nourishment for PeopleLibrary of Tibetan Works & Archives81
DRAGPA, CHEUKYIUn flambeau vers le chemin vers l'omniscienceClaire-Lumière65
Drolma, Délog DawaVoyage au-delà de la mortClaire-Lumière197
DROUKPA, SS GYALWANGLes merveilles du gourouClaire-Lumière255
Drukchen IV Padma Karpo - Lotsawa Tony DuffDrukchen Padma Karpo's collected works on mahamudraPadma Karpo Translation Committee212
Drukpa, S.E. GyalwangLe Véhicule de la Grâce- Pratiques PréliminairesSiège Européen de Sa Sainteté le Douxième Gyalwang Drukpa224
Drukpa, S.S. GyalwangUn Rosaire de Joyaux- Receuil de Prières et de MéditationsSiège Européen de Sa Sainteté le Douxième Gyalwang Drukpa233
Dudjom Lingpa - B. Alan WallaceDudjom Lingpa' Visions of the Great Perfection - Volume 1: Heart of the Great PerfectionWisdom Publications MA323
Dudjom Lingpa - B. Alan WallaceDudjom Lingpa' Visions of the Great Perfection - Volume 3: The Vajra EssenceWisdom Publications450
Dudjom Lingpa - Sera KhandroRefining Our Perception of RealityShambhala - Snow Lion308
Duff, TonyDzogchen Foremost Instructions, A Garland of ViewsPadma Karpo Translation Committee218
Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheThe Lives of the KarmapasMarpa translate Institute Taiwan239
Dzogchen Ponlop RinpochePenetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration Of SamantabhadraSnow Lion192
Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheWild Awakening the Heart of Mahamudra and DzogchenShambhala304
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Ngulchu ThogmeThe Thirty-Seven Practice of a Bodhisattva
Dzongsar Khenpo Khyenrab WangchukSeven Paths to Generating Wisdom175
Edwin BernbaumThe Way to ShambhalaShambhala Publications316
Elizabeth EnglishVajrayogini: Her Visualization, Rituals, and Forms (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism)Wisdom Publications608
Evans-Wentz, W. Y.Le livre des morts tibétain ou les expériences d'après la mort dans le plan du bardoLibrairie d'Amérique et D'Orient245
Evans-Wentz, W.Y.Tibet Great Yogi MilarepaJohn Murray203
Farrow MenonThe Concealed Essence of the Hevajra TantraMotilal Banarsidass Pub308
FAULIOT, PASCALContes des sages du TibetSeuil252
Fisher, Robert E.L'Art du TibetTHAMES & HUDSON224
FITTER, RICGARDGuide des fleurs sauvagesDelachaux et Nistle352
Foundation, Pema LingpaPictorial Guide of the Displayed Sacred Relics in ThimphuPema Lingpa Foundation26
Francesca FremantleLuminous Emptiness Understanding the Tibetan Book of the DeadShambhala428
Francesca FremantleLuminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the DeadShambhala428
Gaby NaherWrestling the DragonRider & Co320
GampopaLe précieux ornement de la libérationPadmakara407
Gampopa - Lotsawa Tony DuffGampopa teaches Essence Mahamudra : interviews with his heart disciples, Dusum Khyenpa and othersPadma Karpo Translations301
Gandhi, M.K. IndiraKey to Health83
Garma C.C. ChangThe Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa (Vol.1)500
Garma C.C. ChangThe Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa (Vol.2)Shambhala374
Garma C.C. ChangSix Yogas of NaropaSnowlion128
Gene Kudirka16 Arhats, Murals at the Vajra Vidya InstituteVajra VIdya Institute
Gergan, Rev. J.A Thousand Tibetan ProverbsR N Bhattacharya120
Geshe Jampa TegchokThe Kindness of Others, A Commentary on the Seven-Point Mind TrainingLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive105
Geshe Kelsang GyatshoClear Light of BlissTharpa Publications320
Geshe Ngawang DhargyeyVajrayogini Sadhana and CommentaryPaljor Publications72
Geshe Sonam RinchenThe Bodhisattva VowSnow Lion184
Giri, VikasaSumeru parvat: 12 years of Kailash Mansarover pilgrimage and transformationKailash Ashram
Glenn H. MullinThe Flying Mystics of Tibetan BuddhismSerindia Publications, Inc.256
Glenn H. MullinFourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of ReincarnationClear Light Publishers576
Glenn H. MullinLiving In The Face Of Death: The Tibetan TraditionSnow Lion240
Goleman, DanielA Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our WorldRandom House Publishing Group272
Goverment, ChamdoEastern Tibet- People & cultureChamdo Goverment80
Governatori, LucaLes nuits de Jung- Mystique et psychologie du Livre RougeAlmora392
Government of QingHaiYushu
Government, Department of Tourism - IndiaWalking with The BuddhaEicher Goodearth192
Graham ColemanA Handbook of Tibetan Culture
GRASDORFF, GILLES VANLa fabuleuse évasion du petit bouddhaMichel Lafon237
Gray, David B.The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Sri Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation (Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences)American Institute of Buddhist Studies468
Guru RinpocheA Great Treasure of Blessing536
Guru RinpocheGuru Rinpoché's teaching on Saving LifeGolden Star209
Guru RinpocheL'Essence de la sagesse primordiale- Vol IPadmakara238
GurudasFlower Essences and Vibrational HealingsCassandra Pr350
GurudasGem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing, Vol: ICassandra Pr304
GurudasThe Spiritual Properties of HerbsCassandra Pr288
Gyalsray ThogmedThirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva93
Gyaltsap Dharma RInchen, AryadevaAryadeva's Four Hundred Stanzas On The Middle WaySnow Lion400
Gyaltsen, Konchok Tulku KungaThe Twelve Deeds of the BuddhaShechen Publications
Gyalwa YangönpaSecret Map of the Body: Visions of the Human Energy StructureShang Shung Foundation502
Gyatso, Guéshé KelsangLa voie joyeuse : Toute la voie bouddhiste menant à la pleine illuminationTHARPA730
Gyuthog Yontan GonpoThe Root Tantra and the Explanatory Tantra from the Four Tantras of Tibetan MedicineMen-Tsee-Khang375
H. E. Khamtrul Rinpoche, Abboud GerardoThe Royal Seal of Mahamudra: Volume One: A Guidebook for the Realization of CoemergenceSnow Lion320
H. H. Dalai Lama IThe Tara TantraTushita Books46
H. H. Dalai Lama VI - Rick Fields & Brian CutilloThe Turquoise BeeHarperSanFrancisco137
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoAncient Wisdom Modern WorldLITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY246
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoThe Art of HappinessHodder & Stoughton269
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoDestructive EmotionsBantam424
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoDirect Instructions From Shakyamuni BuddhaInstitute of buddhist Dialectics95
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoThe Good HeartRider & Co288
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoHow to Practice : The Way to a Meaningful LifeAtria226
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoLove, Kindness and Universal ResponsibilityPaljor Publications,India80
H. H. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoSe voir tel que l'on estAtria Books247
H. H. Dudjom RinpochePerfect Conduct: Ascertaining the Three VowsWisdom Publications192
H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche, Jikdrel Yeshe DorjeThe Nyingma School of Tibetan BuddhismWisdom Publications1584
H. H. Karmapa III, Rangjung DorjeThe Profound Inner PrinciplesShambhala704
H. H. Karmapa III, Rangjung Dorje - NagarjunaIn Praise Of DharmadhatuSnow Lion432
H. H. Karmapa III, Rangjung Dorje,The Aspiration of MahamudraZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal125
H. H. Karmapa IX, Wangchuk DorjeThe Karmapa's Middle Way: Feast for the Fortunate, A Commentary on Chandrakirti's MadhyamakavataraSnow Lion794
H. H. Karmapa XIV, Thekchok DorjeChöd Practice manual and CommentarySnow Lion Publications, Incorporated128
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeBrief Recitation for the Four Preliminary Practices56
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeA Ceremony of Offering to the GurusTsurphu Labrang136
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeEnvironmental guidelines for Karma Kagyu Buddhist monasteries, centers and communityTsurphu Labrang24
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeThe Future Is Now: Timely Advice for Creating a Better WorldHay House192
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeThe Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside OutShambhala240
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeThe Kagyu Monlam BookKagyu Monlam International631
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeMonalm Part I- Wishes & Teachings from the XVIIth KarmapaChinese Tibetan Buddhist Study House191
H. H. Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeTraveling the Path of CompassionDensal & KTD Publications121
H. H. Sakya TrizinFreeing the Heart and Mind: Introduction to the Buddhist PathWisdom Publications184
H. H. Sakya TrizinFreeing the Heart and Mind: Introduction to the Buddhist PathWisdom Publications MA184
Harding, SarahMachik's Complete Explanation Clariflying the Meaning of ChodSnow Lion416
Hecker, Nyanaponika Thera et HellmuthLes Grands Disciples du BouddhaClaire-Lumière275
Heidi I. KopplEstablishing appearances as divine : Rongzom Chözang on reasoning,..Snow Lion Publications152
Heinrich HarrerReturn to TibetPhoenix192
Hendricks, GayThe First Rule of TenHay House Inc.312
Henry Clarke WarrenBuddhist Discourses
Herbert V. GuentherThe Life and Teaching of NaropaOxford University Press292
Herbert V. Guenther & Chogyam TrungpaThe Dawn of TantraShambhala104
Herbert V. Guenther & Leslie S. KawamuraMind in Buddhist PsychologyDharma Publishing164
HH Dalai LamaThe Art of HappinessTime culture278
HH Dalai LamaPuissance de la compassionPresses de la Renaissance189
HH Dalai LamaTransformer son espritPlon176
Hofer, TheresiaBodies in Balance- The Art of Tibetan MedicineRubin Museum of Art360
Holmes, KatiaDzalendara and Sakarchupa: Stories from long, long ago of the former lives of the Gyalwa KarmapaKagyu Samye113
Holmes, KenKarmapaAltea Publishing168
House of TibetSixteen Arhats
Ian A. BakerThe Tibetan Art of HealingChronicle Books192
Institute, Acupuncture ResearchModern Acupuncture
Irmgard MengeleRiding a Huge Wave of Karma: The Turbulent Life of the Tenth KarmapaVajra Publications
JACKUMART, FRANCOISPetite guirlande des maîtres tibétain du présentClaire-Lumière192
James B. Robinson - AbhayadattaBuddha's Lions - The Lives of the Eighty-Four SiddhasDharma Publishing422
James BlumenthalThe Ornament of the Middle Way: A Study of the Madhyamaka Thought of ShantarakshitaSnow Lion Publications400
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeBuddhist EthicsSnow Lion568
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe catalog of The Treasury of Precious Instructions228
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeEnthronement - The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of TibetSnow Lion192
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Essence of Creation and CompletionWisdom Publications163
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Guru Yoga and Tsok Offerings of Jetsun Milarepa64
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Hundred TertonsKTD Publications400
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Light of Wisdom (Vol.1)
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Light of Wisdom (Vol.2)Rangjung Yeshe Publications352
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeMyriad WorldsSnow Lion304
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeRetreat ManualSnow Lion224
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Teacher-Student RelationshipSnow Lion240
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Torch of CertaintyShambhala184
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Torch of True Meaning: Instructions and the Practice for the Mahamudra PreliminariesKTD Publications184
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Treasury of Knowledge - Book Six Part FourSnow Lion584
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye (Ngawang Zangpo)Guru Rinpoche - His Life and TimesSnow Lion360
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye (Ngawang Zangpo)Sacred Ground on ""Pilgrimage and Scared Geography""
Jamgon Kongtrul RinpocheCloudless SkyShambhala152
Jamgon Kongtrul RinpocheThe Great Path of AwakeningShambhala112
Jamgon MiphamGarland of Jewels: The Eight Great BodhisattvasKTD Publications333
Jamgon MiphamLuminous Essence: A Guide to the Guhyagarbha TantraSnow Lion272
Jamgon MiphamMo - Tibetan Divination System
Jamgon MiphamWhite Lotus: An Explanation of the Seven-line Prayer to Guru PadmasambhavaShambhala128
Jamyang SakyaPrincess in Land of Snows: The Life of Jamyang Sakya in TibetShambhala384
Jane TromgeNgondro CommentaryPilgrims Publishing,India128
JANGSEM, EVA RUDYLe livre du Bouddha- Divinités et symoboles rituels du bouddhismeBinkey kok80
Je Tukyi DorjeChariot of the Fortunate: The Life of the First Yongey Mingyur DorjeKTD Publications164
Jeffrey HopkinsMeditation on EmptinessWisdom Publications1017
Jetsun MilarepaDrinking the Mountain StreamWisdom Publications224
Jigme LingpaDeity, mantra, and wisdom : development stage meditation in Tibetan..Snow Lion Publications270
Jigme LingpaLe Trésor des précieuses qualitésPadmakara529
Jigmed Lingpa - Kangyur RinpocheTreasury of Precious QualitiesShambhala464
Jing, MerThe Legend of the KarmapaOak Forest Culture171
Jinpa, ThuptenChants de la vision pure: Anthologie de la poésie tibétaineKUNCHAB268
Jo Nang TaranathaEssence of AmbrosiaLibrary of Tibetan Works & Archives232
Jo Nang TaranathaThe Origin of Tara TantraPaljor Publications136
John SnellingThe Sacred Mountain: Travellers and Pilgrims at Mount Kailash in Western TibetMotilal Banarsidass,473
Judith L. LiefMaking Friends with Death: A Buddhist Guide to Encountering MortalityShambhala180
Kagyu Thubten CholingKarmapa the Sacred ProphecyKagyu Thubten Choling128
Kagyud Monlam ChenmoCollection of Common PrayersKamalashila Institute132
Kagyud Monlam ChenmoSangye Menla Sadhana36
Kagyud Monlam ChenmoSojong VowsPal Nyammay Kagyupay Sangha20
KailashA Journal of Himalayan Studies (Vol. 3, 1975)Halvard K. Kuloy
KailashA Journal of Himalayan Studies (Vol.8, 1981)
Kalu RinpocheExcellent Buddhism: An Exemplary LifeClearpoint Pr176
Kalu RinpocheFoundation of Buddhist MeditationLibrary of Tibetan Works and Archives32
Kalu RinpocheGently WhisperedStation Hill Press314
Kalu RinpocheLuminous Mind: Fundamentals of Spiritual PracticeWisdom Publications,U.S.352
Kalu RinpocheProfound BuddhismClearpoint Press205
Kalu RinpocheSecret BuddhismClearpoint Pr223
Kangyur Rinpoche Longchen Yeshe DorjeTreasury of Precious Qualities: Book TwoShambhala Publications Inc480
Karl BrunnholzlThe Heart Attack SutraShambhala176
Karl BrunnholzlWhen the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and Its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sutra and Tantra (Tsadra)Snow Lion1152
Karma Chagme, Raga AseyCondensed Ritual of Offering to the Seven TathagatasEditorial Guidance of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa146
Karma Chagme, Raga AseyThe River of Lapis Lazuli, Ornament of the Treasury of the Clear Expanse of the MindKarma Triyana Dharmachakra100
Karma ChakmeThe All-Pervading Melodious Sound of Thunder: The Outer Liberatrion Story of Terton Mingyur DorjePalri Parkhang260
Karma Tupten - Yeshe GyamtsoThe Light of DawnKunzang Palchen Ling141
Karmapa III, Rangjung DorjeJewel Garland of Chö LiturgyTashi T Jamyang Ling467
Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeDeer Park CalligraphiesKarma Triyana Dharmachakra37
Karmapa XVII, Ogyen Trinley DorjeLes routes de la compassion - Commentaires des 37 pratiques des fils des vainqueursClaire-Lumière153
Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley DorjeInterconnected: Embracing Life in Our Global SocietyWisdom Publications MA264
Keith DowmanThe Divine Mad ManPilgrims Book House190
Keith DowmanGuru Pema Here and Now: The Mythology of the Lotus BornCreateSpace Publishing358
Keith DowmanMasters of MahamudraState University of New York Press454
Keith DowmanPower Places of KathmanduUnknown144
Kelly, Elizabeth EstherTibetan Cooking: Recipes for Daily Living, Celebration, and CeremonySnow Lion152
Kenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro ThayeThe Spiritual Song of Lodro ThayeNamo Buddha Publications171
Kenting Tai Sitpa VIII, Tenpai NinchayMahamudra Teachings of the Supreme SiddhasSnow Lion Publications200
Kenting Tai Sitpa, XIICollection of the Creative Art Works of XII Tai Situpa
Kenting Tai Sitpa, XIIThe Dorje Chang ThungmaPalpung Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications
Kenting Tai Sitpa, XIIPrimordial Essence ManifestsPalpung Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications104
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIAspiration of Kuntu ZangpoZhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal278
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIThe Aspiration Prayer of MahamudraZhyisil Chokyi Publications134
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIAwakening the sleeping BuddhaShambhala188
Kenting Tai Situpa XIINectar of Dharma - The Sacred Advice - Vol. OneZhyisil Chokyi Gha-Tsal346
Kenting Tai Situpa XIINectar of Dharma - The Sacred Advice - Vol. ThreeZhyisil Chokyi Gha-Tsal220
Kenting Tai Situpa XIINectar of Dharma - The Sacred Advice - Vol. TwoZhyisil Chokyi Gha-Tsal133
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIPraises & Prostrations to the Twenty-one TarasZhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIThe Third Karmapa's Mahamudra PrayerSnow Lion
Kenting Tai Situpa XIITilopaDzalendara Publishing126
Kenting Tai Situpa XIIUltimately PerfectZhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal
Khan, Noor InayatLes contes des vies passées du BouddhaClaire-Lumière94
Khangkar, Dr. Lobsang DolmaLectures on Tibetan MedicineEduca Books /Paljor186
Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen RinpocheOpening the Treasure of the Profound: Teachings on the Songs of Jigten Sumgon and MilarepaSnow Lion320
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheAn Aspirational Prayer for MahamudraNamo Biddha Publications58
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheBuddha NatureBookpeople128
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheBuddhist Conduct: The Ten Virtuous ActionsZhisil Chokyi Ghatsal54
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheCrystal ClearRangjung Yeshe Publications176
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Development of Buddhism in IndiaSri Satguru Publications112
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheEssential Practice
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Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheEveryday Consciousness and Primordial AwarenessSnow Lion Publications121
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Five Buddha Families and the Eight ConsciousnessesZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal42
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Four Dharmas of GampopaNamo Buddha Publications50
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Four Dharmas of GampopaZhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal; Austra50
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Four Ordinary Foundations of Buddhist Practice
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheA Guide to Shamatha MeditationNamo Buddha Publications
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheA Guide to Shamatha MeditationNamo Buddha Publications
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheJourney of the Mind-Teachings of the BardoZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal115
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheKing of Samadhi - Commentaries on te Samadhi Raja SutraRangjung Yeshe Publications192
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Life of Tilopa and the Ganges MahamudraNamo Buddha Publications & Zhyi-Sil Chokyi Ga-Tsal183
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheMedicine Buddha TeachingsZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal203
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheMedicine Buddha TeachingsSnow Lion200
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheMedicine Buddha Teachings 2004 EditionSnow Lion200
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Ninth Karmapa's Ocean Of Definitive MeaningSnow Lion
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheAn Ocean of the Ultimate MeaningShambhala224
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheOn Buddha EssenceShambhala240
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Ornament of Clear RealizationZhisil Chokyi Ghatsal413
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Ornament of Clear RealizationSri Satguru Publications165
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheAn Overview of the Bardo TeachingsZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal50
Khenchen Thrangu RinpochePointing Out the DharmakayaSnow Lion Publications232
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheRechungpa- A Biography of Milarepa's DiscipleNamo Buddha Publications117
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheShowing the Path of LiberationZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal91
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheA Song for the King: Saraha on Mahamudra MeditationWisdom Publications128
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheSongs of NaropaNorth Atlantic Books200
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheA Spiritual Biography of RechungpaSri Satguru Publications90
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheTen Teachings from the 100,000 Songs of Milarepa
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Three Vehicle of Buddhist Practice
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheTilopa's Mahamudra UpadeshaZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal117
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheTranscending Ego: Distinguishing Consciousness From WisdomNamo Buddha Publications123
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThe Twelve Links of Interdependent OriginationZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tsal56
Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheVivid Awareness: The Mind Instructions of Khenpo GangsharShambhala256
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche - Padampa SangyeAdvice From A Yogi (Paperback)Shambhala Publications Inc128
Khenpo Karthar RinpocheFour-Session Guru Yoga by Miky Dorje: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche's Commentary Based on the Commentary by Karma Chakme RinpocheKTD Publications87
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeAspiration Prayer of Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning Part 1278
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeAspiration Prayer of Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning Part 2201
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeBardo: Interval of Possibility: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche's Teaching on Aspiration for Liberation in the BardoKTD Publications132
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeDharma PathsSnow Lion Publications270
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeThe Instructions of Gampopa - A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeThe Instructions Of Gampopa: A Precious Garland Of The Supreme Path (Dream Flag Series)Snow Lion216
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeKarma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Volume FourKTD Publications485
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Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeKarma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Volume ThreeKTD Publications477
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Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeQuintessence of the Union of Mahamudra and DzokchenKTD Publications330
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeTaking Refuge
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Karma ChakmeThe Wish Fulfilling Wheel-The Practice of White Tara
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Situ Pema JungnayAspiration Prayer of Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning Part 3157
Khenpo Konchog GyaltsenThe Great Kagyu MastersSnow Lion Publications296
Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen, GampopaThe Jewel Ornament of LiberationSnow Lion520
Khenpo Namdrol RinpocheVajrakilayaDharmakosha73
Khenpo Sherab-PhuntsokThe illustrated lives of the five Kagyu forefathers and the seventeen KarmapasThrangu Tashi Choling Monastery232
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheAscertaining Certainty About the ViewZhyisil Chokyi Publications250
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheThe Beautiful Song of Marpa the TranslatorMarpa Insitute for translation82
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheBuddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra With CommentarySnow Lion320
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheProgressive Stages of Meditation on EmptinessZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tshal98
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheProgressive Stages of Meditation on EmptinessZhyi-sil Cho-kyi Gha-Tshal93
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheSongs of Realization by Milarepa and other Buddhist Masters117
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtsho RinpocheThe Sun of WidsomShambhala208
Khenpo Tsultrim TenzinHeartfelt Advice to Carry One Along the Path32
Khyenpa, DusumThe first Karmapa : the life and teachings of Dusum KhyenpaKTD Publications312
Kielsmeier, CathyTibetan sadhana vocabularyTendrel Publication157
Kirkwood, Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche - JustinBlessing TaraMajnu Katila146
Klimburg-Salter, DeborahDiscovering Tibet- The Tucci Expedition and Tibetan PaintingsSkira Editore284
Kongtrul, Jamgon (3rd)Chod: The Sacred Teachings on Severance: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet, Volume 14Shambhala672
Kongtrul, Third JamgonTimeless Treasures: Teachings from the Third Jamgon KongtrulRigpe Dorje Institue
Kornfield, JackAfter the Ecstazy, the LaundrySounds True, Incorporated
Kornfield, JackTeachings of the BuddhaShambhala209
Kornman, RobinThe Epic of Gesar of Ling: Gesar's Magical Birth, Early Years, and Coronation as KingShambhala680
KSHEMENDRALa liane magique- Les hauts faits du BodhisattvaPadmakara567
Kunsang, EricA Tibetan Buddhist Companion PemaA Tibetan Buddhist CompanionShambhala Publications270
Kunsang, LamaHistory of the Karmapas: The Odyssey of the Tibetan Masters with the Black CrownShambhala336
Kunzang, Eric PemaBlazing Splendour - The Memoirs of the Dzogchen Yogi, Tulku UrgyenRangjung Yeshe Publications432
Kuyuya FukudaHimalayas
Laboureur, Marilene Bellenger et OlivierBouddha et le bouddhismeMANGO64
Ladrang KalsangThe Guardian Deities of TibetWinsome Books India
Lall, VikramThe Golden LandsJF Publishing280
Lama ChonamThe Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava: The Indian Consort of PadmasambhavaWisdom Publications256
Lama Gendun RinpocheA source of Benefit and Hapiness65
Lama Kunga Thartse - MilarepaDrinking the Mountain StreamWisdom Publications188
Lama Norbu RepaLes chemins du coeur- L'histoire des 1000 bouddhasSeefoon Chan10
Lama Sangyay Tendzin aka Lama Norbu RepaPath with Heart, the Story of Thousand Buddhas10
Lama Thubten YesheBecoming Vajrasattva: The Tantric Path of PurificationWisdom Publications MA352
Lama Thubten YesheBecoming Your Own Therapist : Expanded Edition Including Make Your Mind An OceanLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive101
Lama Thubten YesheEgo, Attachment and Liberation: Overcoming your mental bureaucracy. A five day meditation courseLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive125
Lama Thubten YesheThe Essence of Tibetan Buddhism: The Three Principal Aspects of the Path and an Introduction to TantraLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive84
Lama Thubten Yeshe & Lama Zopa RinpocheFreedom Through Understanding : The Buddhist Path to Happiness and LiberationLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive198
Lama Zopa RinpocheBenefits and Practices Related to STATUES & STUPAS - Part 1 : Building and Blessing Holy Objects223
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Lama Zopa RinpocheHow Things Exist: Teachings on EmptinessLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive127
Lama Zopa RinpocheKadampa TeachingsLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (Bos288
Lama Zopa RinpocheMaking life meaningfulLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive133
Lama Zopa RinpocheVirtue and Reality Method and Wisdom in the Practice of DharmaLama Yeshe Wisdom Archive101
LAMA, SS DALAITextes et prièresPadmakara167
Lenoir, FrédéricLe bouddhisme en FranceFayard447
Lenore Friedman and Susan MoonBeing Bodies
Lhundrub, Ngorchen KonchogThe Three Visions: Fundamental Teachings of the Sakya Lineage of Tibetan BuddhismShambhala256
Li, Chi-chengThe Realm of Tibetan BuddhismForeign Languages Press224
Library of Tibetan Books & ArchiveThe Confession of Downfalls
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Library of Tibetan Books & ArchiveTibetan Medicine Series No.1
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Lingpa, ChokgyurThe Tara Compendium: Feminine Principles DiscoveredRangjung Yeshe Publications204
Lingpa, Guru Rinpoché selon KarmaLe livre des morts tibétainsLe courrier du livre139
Linn, DeniseFeng Shui for the SoulHay House256
Linn, VaddhakaBuddha on Wall StreetWindhorse Publications Ltd272
Lobsang GyatshoBodhicittaSnow Lion146
Lobsang JivakaThe Life of MilarepaJohn Murray174
Lobsang LhalungpaThe Life of MilarepaPenguin Books220
Lodoe, Yangchen GawaiPath and Grounds of Guhyasamaja According to Arya NagarjunaLTWA
Lokesh ChandraIconography of the Thousand BuddhasAditya Prakashan443
London, Royal Academy of ArtReturn of the Buddha
LORMIER, DOMINIQUELe bouddhisme vu par la scienceOxus220
Lotsawa Tony DuffGampopa's Mahamudra: The Five Part Mahamudra of the KagyusPadma Karpo Translation Committee
Lotsawa Tony DuffInstructions for Practising the View of Other Emptiness: A Text of Oral Instructions by Jamgon KongtrulPadma Karpo Translation Committee150
Lotsawa Tony Duff - Ontrul Tenpaí WangchukSamantabhadra' prayer - Volume IIPadma Karpo Translation Committee192
LungtaSitu Panchen- His Contribution and LegacyAmnye Machen Insitute64
Maitrerya - AsangaThe Bodhisattva Path to Unsurpassed Enlightenment: BodhisattvabhumiShambhala800
MajupuriasHoly Places of Buddhism in Nepal & IndiaTecpress Service L.P.381
MANDALA, PaTRICKAbécédaire de sagesse selon la tradition tibétaineACCARIAS/ L'originel237
Manjushri InstitutePraise & Request to the Twenty-one TarasPublictions for Wisdom Culture25
MARCY, PHILIPPECommunauté de commune du pays de Couiza416
MARPATilopa, vie et chantsYogi Ling144
Marpa Chokyi LodroThe Life of Mahasiddha TilopaLTWA84
Martin WilsonIn Praise of TaraWisdom Publications496
Martine BatchelorThe Path of CompassionYale University Press144
Master Chin KungChanging Destiny Liao-Fan's Four Lessons297
Master Chin KungTo understand BuddhismAmitabha Buddhist Society65
Matthews, LaythThe Four Noble Truths of Wealth: A Buddhist View of Economic LifeEnlightened Economy Books166
Matthieu RicardHappiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important SkillLITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY304
Mendong Tshampa RinpocheThe Prayer of Maitreya & Easy and Pleasant Path to EnlightenmentMarpa Insititute54
The Metropolitian Museum of ArtSacred VisionMetropolitan Museum of Art225
Michael Freeman and Alistair ShearerThe Spirit of Asia- Journeys to the Sacred Places of the East
Michele MartinMusic in the SkySnow Lion400
Mick BrownThe Dance of 17 LivesBloomsbury USA320
MilarepaChants extraordinaires Tome 2Claire-Lumière237
MilarepaLa vie et les cent mille chants- Dans les pas de MilarepaFayard1140
MilarepaLe livre des morts tibétains- Ses crimes et ses épreuves son NirvanaFrance Loisirs332
Milarepa - Sakya Dragpa Gyaltsen Shiwa-DzontonpaThe Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa: The Life-Story and Teaching of the Greatest Poet-Saint Ever to Appear in the History of BuddhismShambhala736
Ming, Lee MianCommon Herbal MedicineReaders Digets Far East416
Mingyur Rinpoche - Eric SwansonThe Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of HappinessHarmony272
Mingyur Rinpoche - Eric SwansonJoyful Wisdom: Embracing Change and Finding FreedomHarmony296
Mipham, ChandrakirtiIntroduction to the middle way : Chandrakirti's Madhyamaka VaitaraShambhala412
Mipham, JuSpeech Of Delight: Mipham's Commentary On Santaraksita's Ornament Of The Middle WaySnow Lion808
Museum Der Kulturen - BazelBuddhas - Gods - SaintsPrestel160
Museum, Nara NationalBodhisattva- Special ExhibitionNara National Museum226
NagajurnaLettre à un amiPadmakara249
Nagajurna, Stephen Batchelor /Versets jaillis du centre- une vision bouddhiste du sublimeKUNCHAB143
Namgyal, Takpo TashiMahamudra, the Quintessence of Mind and MeditationMotilal Banarsidass,540
Namo Buddha Meditation and Education CenterActivity of Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheThrangu Dharmakara Publications78
Nan-kha PalMind Training like the Rays of the SunPaljor Publications170
NATILOKA, NYALa parole du BouddhaLibrairie d'Amérique et D'Orient108
The New Zealand Karma Kagyu TrustDharma Chakra68
Ngakpa ChogyamRainbow of Liberated EnergyElement Books Ltd204
Nicholas RibushTeachings From Tibet: Guidance from Great LamasWisdom Books256
Nilesh D. NathwaniKailash MansarovarNew Age Books100
Norbu ChophelNew English-Tibetan DictionaryPaljor Publications,India206
Nyingpo, Gyalwa Chang Choub & NamkhaiLa vie de Yeshé Tsogyal souveraine du TibetPadmakara223
NYINGPO, LAMA YESHEYLa méditation de Dorje SempaDzambala127
Ou-I, Cih-hsuThe Buddhist I ChingShambhala247
Pabongka RinpocheThe essence of the Vast and ProfoundWisdom Publications,U.S.722
Pabongka RinpocheLiberation in the Palm of Your HandWisdom Publications980
Padma Karpo & LotsawaTony DuffThe Bodyless Dakini Dharma- The Dakini Hearing Lineage of the KagyudPadma Karpo Translation Committee136
PadmasambhavaDakini TeachingsRangjung Yeshe Publications220
PadmasambhavaLa clé du sens profond du Livre des morts tibétainGuy Trédaniel343
PALDEN, KUNZANGPerles d'Ambroisie l Naissance de l'esprit d'EveilPadmakara235
PALDEN, KUNZANGPerles d'Ambroisie lII- Développement de l'esprit d'EveilPadmakara235
PALDEN, KUNZANGPerles d'Ambroisie ll Préservation de l'esprit d'EveilPadmakara203
Palmo, Gelongma LamaThe Himalayas and beyond : Karma Kagyu Buddhism in India and NepalPalpung Yeshe Cho?khor Ling Europe341
Patrul RinpocheThe Words of My Perfect Teacher: A Complete Translation of a Classic Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism (Sacred Literature Trust Series)Yale University Press512
Pelden, KunzangThe Nectar of Manjushri's Speech: A Detailed Commentary on Shantideva's Way of the BodhisattvaShambhala464
Pelzang, Khenpo NgawangA Guide to the Words of My Perfect TeacherShambhala336
Pema ChodronWelcoming the unwelcomeShambala177
Pema ChodronWhen Things Fall ApartShambhala160
Pema ChodronThe Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-KidnessShambhala120
Penor Rinpoche - Padma JungneyA Message sent by Ugyen Padma Jungney from the South-Western Land of Demons15
Peter Van Ham, Aglaja StirnThe Forgotten Gods of TibetMengès159
Phuntsok, Choje LamaHis Holiness The XVIIth Gyalwang KarmapaKarma Lekshey Ling Institute37
Phuntsok, His Holiness JigmeAlways Remembering- Heartfelt Advice for Your entire LifeWisdom Publications
Pico IYERThe Open Road: The Global Journey Of The Fourteenth Dalai LamaBLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING PLC288
Poncar, JaroslavTibetAubanel54
Preston, CraigHow to Read Classical Tibetan V. 1Snow Lion247
Raoul BirnbaumThe Healing BuddhaShambhala310
René FeusiThe Beautiful way of Life
Ricard, Jean-Francois Revel & MathieuThe Monk & the PhilosopherSchocken384
Ricard, Shabkar Rinpoche - MatthieuThe Life of ShabkarState University of New York Press740
Richard BarronThe Autobiography of Jamgon KongtrulSnow Lion544
Richard JosephsonSwoyambu Historical Pictorial
Richo CechMaking Plant MedicineHorizon Herbs276
Rick FieldsChopping Wood and Carrying Water
RigpaThe Brightly Shining SunZAM Sarl70
RigpaA Great Treasure of Blessings528
Rigzin, TsepakTibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology
Rikes, Jean-PaulThe XVIIth KarmapaTaipai Holistic Culture Association285
Rimpoché, BokarLe soutra du coeurClaire-Lumière167
Rimpoché, DudjomPetites instructions essentiellesPadmakara117
Rimpoché, Khempo Lodreu deunyeuTaraClaire-Lumière362
Rimpoché, Lama GuenduneLes émotionsDzambala71
Rimpoché, Lama Yéshé LosalLe Petit Rien qui change tout - Conseils d'un lama tibétain pour une vie meilleureClaire-Lumière157
Rimpoché, PatrulLe chemin de la grande perfectionPadmakara516
Rimpoché, SogyalLe livre tibétain de la vie et de lamortTable ronde574
Rimpotché, BokarTchenrézi- Clés pour la méditation des divinitésClaire-Lumière110
Ringu Tulku RinpocheConfusion Arises as Wisdom: Gampopa's Heart Advice on the Path of MahamudraShambhala256
Ringu Tulku RinpocheDaring Steps Toward FearlessnessSnow Lion Publications220
Ringu Tulku RinpochePath to BuddhalhoodShambhala208
Ringu Tulku RinpocheRi-Me Philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great: A Study of the Buddhist Lineages of TibetShambhala336
RINPOCHE, BOKARLa journée d'un bouddhisteClaire-Lumière127
RINPOCHE, BOKARLa porte du sens définitifClaire-Lumière92
RINPOCHE, BOKARLe voeu de bodhisattvaClaire-Lumière220
RINPOCHE, BOKARSavoir méditerClaire-Lumière190
Rinpoché, Bokar TulkuTaraClaire-Lumière190
Rinpoché, Bokar TulkuUn coeur sans limitesClaire-Lumière231
Rinpoché, Chagdud TulkouP'owa- Le transfert de la conscience au moment de la mortClaire-Lumière95
Rinpoche, DagyabBuddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture: An Investigation of the Nine Best-known Groups of Symbols (Wisdom Advanced Book - Blue Series)Wisdom Publications,U.S.160
Rinpoché, Dilgo KhyentseAu seuil de l'EveilPadmakara134
Rinpoché, Dilgo KhyentseLe trésor du coeur des êtres éveillésSeuil271
Rinpoche, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentsele gourou boit du bourbonPadmakara329
Rinpoche, Dzongsar Jamyang KhyentsePas pour le bonheur: guide des pratiques préliminairesPadmakara181
Rinpoche, Dzongsar Jamyang KhyentseWhat makes you NOT a Buddhist134
RINPOCHE, KALOULa voie du BouddhaClaire-Lumière506
RINPOCHE, KALOUMédecine TibétaineMARPA39
Rinpoché, Karma ThrinleyHistory of the KarmapaBAO Shu Buddhist Printing House337
Rinpoche, Khenpo KhartarThe Long Amitabha SadhanaKTD Publications37
Rinpoché, ShabkarLes larmes du BodhisattvaPadmakara188
Rinpoche, SogyalMéditationLa Table ronde91
RINPOCHE, SS DALAI LAMA & JHADO TULKUKalachakra: guide de l'initiation et du guru yogaDesclée de Brouwer255
RINPOCHE, TENDZIN WANGYALLes sons tibétains qui guérissentClaire-Lumière127
Rinpoché, Tendzin WangyalL'Eveil du corps sacréClaire-Lumière157
Rinpoché, Tendzin WangyalYogas tibétains du rêve et du sommeilClaire-Lumière224
Rinpoché, TengaLong Gonkar PracticeBenchen Phuntsok Dargye Ling Monastery17
Rinpoché, ThrangouLe traité des 5 sagesses et des 8 consciencesClaire-Lumière179
Rinpotché, GyaltrulGénérer la divinité- Pratique du tantra bouddhiqueYogi Ling157
Rinpotché, KalouTrois enseignementsMARPA59
Rinpotché, Yongey MingyurPour l'amour du monde- Les pérégrinations d'un moine bouddhisteFayard364
Rob Linrothe - Rubin Museum of ArtHoly Madness - Portraits of Tantric SiddhasSerindia Publications and Rubin Museum of Art454
Rob Linrothe and Jeff WattDemonic DivineSpindrift Pr344
Robert A. F. ThurmanAngerOxford University Press135
Robert A. F. ThurmanInfinite Life- Seven Virtues for Living WellSouvenir Press Ltd304
Robert A. F. ThurmanThe Tibetan Book of the DeadHarper-Collins in India278
Robert BeerTibetan Symbols and MotifsShambhala368
Robert SachsHealth for LifeClear Light+publishers240
Rongton Sheja KunrigAdorning Maitreya's Intent: Arriving at the View of NondualityShambhala176
S.S. Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin GyatshoLes huits versets de l'entraînement de l'esprit- Bodhicitta VivaranaTibetan community in Swisstzerland20
Sakya Dragpa GyaltsenCandragomin's Twenty Verses on Bodhisattva Vow and CommentaryLTWA74
Sakya Pandita - J.T DavenportOrdinary Wisdom - Treasury of Good AdviceWisdom Publications384
Sakyapa Sonam GyaltsenThe Clear MirrorSnow Lion315
Samuel HahnemanOrganon of MedicineB. Jain314
Sangpo, ThokmayThirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
Sangye Nyenpa RinpocheThe Lamp of Prisitne Wisdom: A Commentary on the Manjusri SadhanaBenchen Phuntsok Dargye Ling Monastery40
Sangye Nyenpa RinpocheSome Essential Advice for Those Wishing to Follow the Buddhist PathVajra Books
Sangye Nyenpa RinpocheTeaching on Heart SutraBenchen Gompa48
Sangye Nyenpa RinpocheTilopa's Mahamudra Upadesha: The Gangama Instructions with CommentarySnow Lion272
Sangye Nyenpa RinpocheThe Wheel of Blessings of the Sublime TaraBenchen Gompa15
Santiago, J.R.Sacred Symbols of BuddhismPilgrims Publishing,India74
Scholars, Karma KagyuJewels of lightPalpung Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications
Sellin, BirgerUne âme prisonnièreRobert laffont208
SENGUE, CHEUKYILe temple tibétain et son symbolismeClaire-Lumière156
Sengué, Lama CheukyLa mort et l'impermanenceClaire-Lumière95
Sengué, Lama CheukyLa précieuse existence humaineClaire-Lumière95
Sengué, Lama CheukyLe karmaClaire-Lumière95
Sengué, Lama CheukyLes souffrances des mondesClaire-Lumière96
Sengué, Lama CheukyPetit Lexique Claire Lumière du Bouddhisme TibétainClaire-Lumière40
Sengué, Lama CheukyiEncyclopédie des divinités et des symboles tibétainClaire-Lumière535
Shamarpa V, Konchog YenlagGone Beyond: The Prajnaparamita Sutras - The Ornament Of Clear Realization And Its Commentaries In The Tibetan Kagyu Tradition (Tsadra)Snow Lion Publications937
Shamarpa V, Konchog YenlagGone Beyond: The Prajnaparamita Sutras, The Ornament of Clear Realization, and Its Commentaries in the Tibetan Kagyu Tradition, Vol. 2Snow Lion685
ShambhalaThe Sensuous IncarnateShambhala54
ShantidevaBodhicaryâvatâra- La Marche vers l'EveilPadmakara231
ShantidevaGuide du mode de vie du BodhisattvaTHARPA252
ShantidevaGuide to the Bodhisattva?s Way of Life
Sherab Gyaltshän, DolbopaMountain Doctrine: Tibet's Fundamental Treatise On Other-Emptiness And The Buddha MatrixSnow Lion832
Snellgrove, DavidThe Hevajra Tantra- A critical studyOrchid Press188
Snodgrass, AdrianThe symbolism of the StupaMotilal Banarsidass Pub469
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SOYE, YVES LE FLOC'HLe potager dans l'assietteSOLAR206
Stephan BeyerThe Cult of Tara: Magic and Ritual in TibetUniversity of California Press542
Stevens, JohnSacred Calligraphy of the EastEcho Point Books & Media218
Stewart, Jampa MackenzieThe Life of GampopaSnow Lion200
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Tadeusz SkorupskiTibetan AmuletsWhite Orchid Press122
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TaranathaThe Essence Of Other-EmptinessSnow Lion154
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Tashi, First Traleg Kyabgon NyimaNyima TashiKTD Publications176
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