
The Tsurphu Labrang


The Office of His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa (OHHK), known in Tibetan as Tsurphu Labrang, is the personal office of His Holiness the Karmapa. It provides secretarial assistance to His Holiness and broadly speaking, is responsible for all matters related to His Holiness, and acts on his behalf.

The Office’s main responsibilities are:

  • Organization of His Holiness the Karmapa’s schedule, including appointments and travel within India and to different parts of the world;
  • Handling all correspondence on behalf of His Holiness the Karmapa.

When His Holiness is in residence at Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala, his schedule is typically very tight since he devotes much of his time to his studies, which include transmissions and empowerments from his teachers, Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice.

However, His Holiness has earmarked a portion of his time for public audiences and has a limited amount of time for private audiences, when his travel and study schedules permit.

Public Audiences
His Holiness holds public audiences, open to both Tibetans and non-Tibetans, at Gyuto Monastery in Sidhbari; prior appointments are not necessary.
Currently, public audience is held regularly on Saturdays, between 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm. You will need to bring your passport or photo ID.

Private Audiences
Opportunities to meet privately with His Holiness in Dharamsala are generally divided into two categories:

1) private audiences;
2) media interviews.

1.Requests for private audiences are carefully screened and studied. Applicants are asked to provide detailed information on themselves as well as the specific reasons why they want to see His Holiness. In general, requests for individual meetings need to be made well in advance. We are unable to entertain requests made at short notice.

2.His Holiness takes the opportunity to interact with members of the media. However, as time is limited, members of the media need to submit their requests and detailed plans, including any questions they wish to pose, well in advance. They will also need to obtain permission from the local Indian authorities.

Audience Secretary:


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