O Precious Gyalwa Karmapa,
At your feet with humility,
I bow down countless times.
Gathering the numberless mistakes, broken vows and downfalls
of my impure conduct of body, speech and mind,
I present you these ailments for healing.
Please show forbearance to this mad man pretending to be a yogi
and give your blessings.
To you, who are higher than the highest king of this world,
I wish long life and prosperity.
May the glory of your immaculate incarnation
spread and pervade the three worlds of existence
like the scent of the Utpala flower.
Making outer, inner and secret offerings to you,
I pray for your guidance and protection.
May my body, speech, mind, qualities and activity
be those of a Bodhisattva entirely dedicated to the spread of Dharma
at your service, and this for many lifetimes to come.
Precious and glorious Tsurphu Gyalwa Karmapa,
at your feet, with humility, I bow down countless times.
Please show forbearance to this mad man pretending to be a yogi,
and make him a true representative of your Karma Kamtshang lineage,
the lineage of the Golden Rosary of faultless teachings.
Precious Karmapa