Directory of Religious Services

Spiritual tradition is little known in the West.

There are many ways to enhance the various steps of your life though religious ceremonies

House/Office Blessing Ceremony

House blessing is an ancient tradition that invites positive energy into your home. Your home is an extension of your body and spirit. As you give to your home, you give to yourself. As you might have experienced, your space reflects and affects your inner life.

During a house blessing, you can imbue the space with love, harmony, health, happiness, and prosperity. It is especially potent to do a house blessing after cleaning the physical rooms and performing a space cleansing. You should always clean before you energize.

Blessing your house is aiming at energizing it with prayers and positive intentions. You can do a house blessing before you move into a new space or when you want to bless a space you already inhabit in a new, purposeful way.

This ceremony addresses the Refuge and brings in the house/office the blessings of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots. Offerings are made during the invocation of the Bodhisattva Green Tara and the space is blessed with mantras and sprinkle with sacred water. This is a blessing to promote the health, peacefulness, and productivity of the house as well as the office.

Land Blessing

In several forms of spirituality, the new owners of a property have a responsibility to cherish, protect and offer a positive environment for all who live on the land. Blessings are highly personalised, and the new owners play an important part of it. It is up to them to work toward making that relationship a healthy one.

In rural areas, many people bless the elements used in farming, the fields, the seeds and the animals. In urban areas a blessing of gardens, and local businesses can be done. It might also be a time to show gratitude for soil, water and growth, and to challenge congregation members to think carefully of the food they eat, their care of water, earth and seeds.

The land blessing ceremony will aim at harmonizing the relationship of the residents and the local deities and spirits inhabiting the site. It is done with ritual instruments, “Sang” smoke and golden libation(“Serkyem”) offerings presented to the local deities and spirits. The land blessing promotes peacefulness, and happiness of the land.

Health recovery - Sangyay Menla Puja

Regardless to our beliefs and the type of medical systems we rely on, the practice of “Sangyay Menla”, the invocation of the blessings of the Medicine Buddha is a direct reliance upon the universal source of healing.

Buddha Sakyamuni taught that one can benefit greatly from learning about the Medicine Buddha, or just from hearing or remembering his name. There is no contradiction between practicing the Medicine Buddha meditation in order to improve our own health, and the motivation to help someone else or to benefit all beings.

The Tibetan masters tell us that even if we are practicing the Medicine Buddha meditation with the aim of improving our mental and physical health in this life, we can deeply benefit ourselves and others and ultimately attain Buddhahood. As Most Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche says "by doing these practices we actually bless the environment and all the beings in that environment."

"Although all the Buddhas have the same nature, each has a particular power. When we recite the mantra of Sangyay Menla, rays of light emanate from the heart of the Buddha, like a hundred rising suns, curing all the diseases and obscurations of the beings and even their causes. By the power of this practice may all suffering and problems of the beings be removed by the power of the Medicine Buddha." H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche

There are several level to invoke this mandala that can be done, thus impacting the ceremony requested. The complete mandala invocation addresses 52 deities.

Birthday Offering of Long Life, White Tara Puja

White Tara has been the main deity practice of many well-known Buddhist scholars and siddhas in both India and Tibet, foremost among whom where Nagarjuna and Atisha.

White Tara’s special function is to promote long life, peace, prosperity and health through her enlightened activities, both for the practitioner and for others.

This ceremony with mantras recitation promotes long life for the sponsor and family, as well as invoking the White Tara to bless and augment the vitality of all living beings.

Bardo Prayers for the Dying

You may request the Lama to perform ceremonies to accompany the dying process of a relative or a friend. Several options of this exist. Invocation of the 100 deities in the Zhi-Thrö tradition.

Amitabha-Prayer for the Deceased

Tibetan Buddhist Funeral Ceremony – This is to promote the enlightenment and good migration of the departed person’s mental continuum. Ceremonies can be simple or extensively done during 49 days from the moment of passing.

Ceremony of Blessing of the Remaining Ashes

After a cremation, a ceremony can be requested to bless the remaining ashes of your relative or friend. Moreover, ashes can be inserted in a small clay stupa and placed on special holy site afterward.

Marriage Ceremony

The ceremony is follow Tibetan scripture written in 19th century; it may be supplemented by the couple’s own additions. It is best to schedule a planning meeting here at TNG monastery, so that the couple can discuss the details of the ceremony, as well as meet the resident lama who would perform the ceremony.

New Born Baby

The new born baby is blessed with mantra and blessed water and is given a Tibetan Dharma name. Some verses of auspiciousness and wishes are recited for the prosperity, good heath and longevity of the child.

Blessing Of Children

This is a blessing that promotes the safety, health and auspicious development of children.

Manjushri puja

The Bodhisattva of wisdom is invoked for the success in learning and study.

Blessing to promote ones wishes

This is a blessing to commemorate an event or a special occasion. Repeated recitation of “Sampa Lhundrub”, the “Spontaneous fulfilment of ones wishes” can be done as requested (3,7,21 recitationsinvoking Guru RInpoche's 12 emanations.

Blessing to remove obstacle

“Barchäd Namsel”, the clearing of obstacle is done through recitation of this prayer to the various manifestations of Guru Rinpoche.

Divinations (Mo)

Determine the course of actions you want to take by relying on a divination or “Mo” in accordance with the Predictions of Manjushri.

Tshok (Feast) Practices and Pujas

Twice monthly – on the 10th and 25th days of the Tibetan lunar month, as well as on other auspicious days – the TNG resident sangha practices Tshok,” or a feast offering, which accumulates merit, purifies negative karma and repairs the broken vows (called “samaya”) of Vajrayana practitioners.  A ceremony can be sponsored for your well-being.

NyungNay retreat

In addition, TNG France, and TNG Ipoh offers Nyungnay fasting retreats, which are special opportunities to purify negative mental afflictions and negative actions and to make vast offerings on behalf of suffering beings.

Nyungnay retreats are often sponsored by families to benefit their loved ones who have died.

Meditation on specific deities

Several deities are frequently invoked in the Buddhsit pantheom:

* Green Tara Puja, releasing fear + Tshok puja, establishing on personal commitments;
* Mahakala Puja, invoking the protectors of Wisdom;
* Chenrezig puja, developing unbiased compassion;
* Amitabha Puja;
* Karma Pakshi (+ Tshok);
* Guru Rinpoche Kong Chog Chidü (+ Tshok);
* Medicine Buddha Puja;
* Mingling Dorsem Puja;

All of these ceremonies are done on various levels as per the wishes of the sponsor:

  • Mantra recitations of three malas, seven malas, twenty-one malas.
  • Lamp Offerings: 21, 35, 108.
  • Tshok offerings.
  • Number of sangha participating to the event.

Contact TNG-Office for details.

Requests are not confirmed until you receive email notification from the Front Office.

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