Pomdragpa Södnam Dorje was born Dri Dampa Chöchuk in Central Tibet. At the age of five, he started his education, and at the age of nine, he received the mother Tantra transmissions from Nyen Lhakhang Gangpo. When he was fourteen, he heard the fame of the great master, Drogön Rechen. Upon hearing his name, a special meditative experience arose within him and he had a vision of red dakinis who prophesized Drogön Rechen as his teacher. Within ten days, he went to visit Drogön Rechen and received the full monastic ordination and was named Södnam Dorje. From that moment, he followed Drogön Rechen as his principal teacher, from whom he received many abhishekas. He practiced with great diligence for many years. Pomdragpa had many visions of the wisdom deities during abhishekas and practice sessions, as well as a vision of the First Karmapa who gave him important instructions.
Holding The Kagyüd Lineage
From Drogön Rechen, Pomdragpa received the full Kagyüd transmission and became the lineage-holder. He turned to be a gifted master. Before the passing away, Drogön Rechen told Pomdragpa and Lodrö Rinchen that they were the masters of the teachings, who could each hold this lineage. He also predicted that Pomdragpa's activities would flourish, and the lineage would prosper even more during the time of his disciples and afterwards in the future.
During that time, Pomdragpa saw his teacher as the Buddha Shakyamuni surrounded by countless buddhas. This is said to be the auspicious sign of becoming the main lineage holder. Pomdragpa Södnam Dorje's activities of benefiting beings flourished as predicted.
He passed on the lineage transmission to the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi.
These details about Pomdragpa are compiled from Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa's Feast For Scholars (chös 'byung mkhas pa'i dg'a stön), Beijing edition, vol. 2, pp. 877-880.
May this be virtuous!
(Excerpt from the official website of The Gyalwang Karmapa - http://www.kagyuoffice.org)

Pomdrag Södnam Dorje -  (1170 - 1249)


Pomdragpa Södnam Dorje was born Dri Dampa Chöchuk in Central Tibet. At the age of five, he started his education, and at the age of nine, he received the mother Tantra transmissions from Nyen Lhakhang Gangpo. When he was fourteen, he heard the fame of the great master, Drogön Rechen. Upon hearing his name, a special meditative experience arose within him and he had a vision of red dakinis who prophesized Drogön Rechen as his teacher. Within ten days, he went to visit Drogön Rechen and received the full monastic ordination and was named Södnam Dorje. From that moment, he followed Drogön Rechen as his principal teacher, from whom he received many abhishekas. He practiced with great diligence for many years.

Pomdragpa had many visions of the wisdom deities during abhishekas and practice sessions, as well as a vision of the First Karmapa who gave him important instructions.
Holding The Kagyüd Lineage: From Drogön Rechen, Pomdragpa received the full Kagyüd transmission and became the lineage-holder. He turned to be a gifted master. Before the passing away, Drogön Rechen told Pomdragpa and Lodrö Rinchen that they were the masters of the teachings, who could each hold this lineage. He also predicted that Pomdragpa's activities would flourish, and the lineage would prosper even more during the time of his disciples and afterwards in the future. During that time, Pomdragpa saw his teacher as the Buddha Shakyamuni surrounded by countless buddhas. This is said to be the auspicious sign of becoming the main lineage holder.

Pomdragpa Södnam Dorje's activities of benefiting beings flourished as predicted.

He passed on the lineage transmission to the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi.


Excerpt from the official website of The Tsurphu Labrang 

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