Yeshe Dorje
(1676 - 1702)
"“As that same being, you manifest your kaya out of compassion
For as many eons as there exist beings to be tamed like us,
And bestow supreme great bliss the very instant you are recalled.
Yeshe Dorje, we supplicate at your feet. "

Yeshe Dorje



(1676 - 1702)

"As that same being,

you manifest your kaya out of compassion

For as many eons as there exist beings to be tamed like us,

And bestow supreme great bliss

the very instant you are recalled.

Yeshe Dorje, we supplicate at your feet. "



The eleventh karmapa, Yeshe Dorje, was born in Mar Kham in the year of the Fire Dragon (1676 C. E.). The young child had many visionary experiences that he liked to relate to his relatives, much to their amusement. This amusement gradually turned to awe as they realized the natural dignity of these stories and the spirituality of the infant. The famed terton, Minjur Dorje, who was a master of both Kagyu and Nyingma sects recognized the child as the Karmapa incarnation. News of this travelled and Shamar Rinpoche and Gyaltshab Rinpoche sent their representatives, who confirmed that the details of Yeshe Dorje 's birth corresponded to those in 1he letters of prediction. At Dechen Yangbachen, the monastery of Shamar Rinpoche, the new Karmapa was given a great ceremonial welcome. Then he was taken to Tsurphu, where he was enthroned by Shamar Yeshe Nyingpo.

                   Alter receiving lay ordination from Shamar Rinpoche, Yeshe Dorje commenced his studies. His tutors included Shamar Rinpoche, Gyaltshab Rinpoche and the third Karma Thinleypa. Yeshe Dorje received the complete lineage transmission of the Kagyupa tradition. It was at this time that he was given the name Yeshe Dorje by Terton Minjur Dorje who related Padmasambhava's prediction concerning the eleventh Karmapa.

                   On the death of Shamar Yeshe Nyingpo, the young Karmapa went to study with Terton Minjur Dorje and Taksham Nuden Dorje, a Nyingmapa terton. These two meditation masters instructed Yeshe Dorje in their “treasure texts." 

                  During Yeshe Dorjes youth in the year of the Water Dog, the fifth Dalai Lama died. Rule was assumed by Desi Sangye Gyatsho, the Dalai Lama's regent, who continued the policy of reconciliation. One of the most influential figures in the exchange between the Gelugpas and the Karma Kagyupas at this time was Tewo Rinpoche, Karma Tendzin Thargye, who had served the filth Dalai Lama and was one of the principal students of Karmapa Yeshe Dorje.

                   In the year of the Wooden Pig, Yeshe Dorje had a vision that indicated that the eighth Shamar Rinpoche had been horn in Nepal near Jomo Gangkar mountain. Karmapa’s representatives located the child and returned with him to Tsurphu. The party passed through Lhasa with the permission of Devi Sangye Gyatsho. After the young incarnation's arrival at Tsurphu, he was enthroned by Karmapa and received the red crown of the Shamarpa incarnation lineage. Subsequently, Yeshe Dorje recognized the new incarnations of the Situ and Pawo Rinpoches, respectively, Tenpi Nyinche and Chokyi Dondrub. 

                  Yeshe Dorje's consummate spirituality communicated itself both through his teaching and the apparently miraculous quality of his activity. On one occasion Karmapa demonstrated the power of his teaching by emanating several forms of himself, each of which gave instruction to the individuals present. 

                  The eleventh Karmapa was the shortest lived of the Karmapa incarnations. In 1702 he entrusted a letter containing a prediction of his next rebirth to Shamar Rinpoche, whom he appointed his regent. A little later, Yeshe Done passed away at age twenty-six. At the time of Karmapa’s death many of his students saw his form appear in front of the sun, accompanied by the figures of two other gurus. Yeshe Dorje's remains were enshrined in a stupa at Tsurphu monastery. 

                  The eleventh Karmapa's principal students were the eighth Shamar, Palchen Chokyi Dondrub, and Tewo Rinpoche, Karma Tendzin Thargye.


Reproduced with permission of the Very Venerable Karma Thrinley Rinpoche.

