Düdul Dorje
(1733 - 1797)
"With the great sun of vajra wisdom, you vanquish without remainder
The darkness of agitated mind,
Those forces that are the expressions of the degenerate age.
Düdül Dorje, we supplicate at your feet."

Dudul Dorje

(1733 - 1797)  

"With the great sun of vajra wisdom,
you vanquish without remainder
The darkness of agitated mind,
Those forces that are the expressions
of the degenerate age.
Düdül Dorje, we supplicate at your feet."



The Thirteenth Karmapa, Dudul Dorje, was born in Chaba Drong, a village four days journey from Lhasa, in the eighth month of the year of the Water Ox (1733 C. E.). Shortly after this, Lama Katok Tsewang Norbu had a vision, in which he saw the exact birthplace of Karmapa. 

                  The infant a birthmark on his tongue in the shape of the Tibetan letter a, and as he grew, he displayed remarkable natural spirituality. The young Karmapa was said to be able to recall events from his past lives. On one early occasion Dudul Dorje had a highly significant vision of the 

dharma protector, the Vajra Black-Cloaked One, in the form of a young boy dressed in a white silk robe and holding a crystal plate full of flowers. Dudul Dorje asked the apparition, "Who are your?” immediately the dharma protector assumed his completely overwhelming wrathful form and 

declared, 'I am the glorious roaring Vajra Black-Cloaked One. I arise in wrathful form from the space of transcendent wisdom. I perform the four activities of pacifying, enriching, integrating and destroying. This is the ultimate view." In this way, the dharma protector symbolically pointed to 

the mahamudra teaching that there is nothing separate from mind. Then the vision disappeared into space. The power of this experience was so strong that it communicated itself to everyone around Dudul Dorje. 

                  By the time he reached the age of four the young boy's fame had spread far and wide.

Gyaltshap Rinpoche sent a search party who located the child, who was then taken to Tsurphu, where Gyaltshabpa officially recognized and enthroned him as the thirteenth Karmapa. In this elaborate 

ceremony Dudul Dorje received his black crown. The seventh Dalai Lama, Kalzang Gyatsho, and his prime minister, Pholha Sonam Thobjay, sent their greetings to the new Karmapa.  

                  A little while after his enthronement, Dudul Dorje was visited in Tsurphu by the most scholarly eighth Situ, Chokyi Jungnay. Situpa was delighted to see the incarnation of Changchub Dorje, his own spiritual father, and gave the young boy a comprehensive range of Karma Kagyu teachings. At the age of fourteen, Dudul Dorje was ordained a novice by Situ Rinpoche in Tsurphu. The ceremony took place before the famous statue of the Buddha constructed by Karma Pakshi. 

                  The thirteenth Karmapa's education continued after his ordination and mainly followed the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions. He received the empowerments of the Kalachakra Tantra together with its associated teachings. His studies and practice also included the teachings of Dusum Khyenpa and the teachings of the six volumes composed by Rigdzin Jatson Nyingpo, the famous Nyingma terton and student of the tenth Karmapa, who introduced the Konchog Chidu cycle. In addition, Dudul Dorje mastered the Hevajra Tantra, the Ocean of Dakinis (Tib.:མཁ་གྲོ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་), Madhyamaka philosophy, ahhidharma, vinaya, and the sutras. In this fashion he received the most important streams of spiritual practice current in his day.

                   At the age of thirty-one, the thirteenth Karmapa was ordained a monk by Situ Rinpoche.

Subsequently, he perfected his practice of the six yogas of Naropa and mahamudra and received the complete transmission of the lineage from Situ Rinpoche. Dudul Dorje blended together the two life-

styles of scholar and "crazy-wisdom" yogin, and he embodied the compassionate spontaneity of awakened energy. His love for animals became legendary. It is said that he communicated the essence of dharma to birds, mice, cats, rabbits and bees. Each day he spent much time with the creatures, who flocked to him, as well as with his human students. 

                  Dudul Dorje was himself the subject of one of Padmasambhava's prophecies. At one time Lhasa was threatened by the flooding waters of the Tsangpo or Chichu, Happy River, or as it is known in India, the Brahmaputra River. It was recalled that in a book of prophecy by Guru Padma, it was said that if Lhasa was ever in danger of being flooded, Karmapa’s blessing should be requested. In

accordance with this, the capital’s authorities asked him to come as quickly as possible. Dudul Dorje arrived in Lhasa and averted the danger by invoking the inspiration of Avalokitesvara and Sakyamuni.        In 1772 Karmapa travelled to Dege to see the aged Situ Rinpoche. Dudul Dorje journeyed through Kham, teaching and bestowing his blessing. He met with the tenth Shamar Rinpoche,

Mipham Chodrup Gyatsho. At Danang in Kham, Karmapa performed a special ceremony for Karma 

monastery. The ceremony was sponsored by the Danang noble family, who presented Dudul Dorje with a gold and silver vase. During his stay, Karmapa remarked to the family that he would return to them in the future, saying "Soon we shall meet again. When it happens you will understand it in

detail. Keep this in mind." 

                  Dudul Dorje lived in a very simple fashion and distributed his wealth both to the needy and to religious projects. He financed the construction of many dharma centres and also the printing of texts. 

                  In his later years a famous demonstration of apparently miraculous energy of the Karmapa took place. Messengers from Powo Gyaldzong in southeastern Tibet arrived at Tsurphu and invited Karmapa to bless their monastery. Dudul Dorje was unable to go but on the appointed day he gave 

the blessing while still in Tsurphu. Simultaneously, the assembled crowds at Powo Gyaldzong

witnessed a rain of blessed barley from the sky. 

                  In 1774 Karmapa had a vision indicating the location of the new Situ incarnation. He sent a party to the place indicated, where they found the infant. Subsequently, Dudul Dorje officially

recognized and enthroned the new Situ, Palma Nyingche Wangpo. 

                  In 1797, at the age of sixty-four, having entrusted his incarnation letter to Situ Rinpoche, Dudul Dorje passed away. His remains were enshrined in a one story high silver stupa in Tsurphu. His monks made a silver statue of Karmapa. 

                  Among the thirteenth Karmapa's principal students were Situ Palma Nyingche Wangpo, the Drukchen Kunzig Chokyi Nangwa, Pawo Tsuglak Chogyal, the Ladakhi prince, Hemi Gyalsay,

Khamtrul Jigme Senge, and Sangye Nyenpa Tulku.


 Reproduced with permission of the Very Venerable Karma Thrinley Rinpoche.

