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TNG Phoenix

TNG - PHOENIX 2023- Event 1

Paramita, The Practice of Excellence


In the context of Mahayana, the concept is commonly approached as six qualities or practices that one cultivates as part of the path to enlightenment. These six aspects of excellence are:

  1. ‘Jin pa’ - Generosity: The act of giving, which may be material, emotional, or spiritual.
  2. ‘Tshulthrim’ - Ethical Conduct: Observing moral precepts,
  3. ‘Zödpa’ - Patience: The ability to endure hardship and resilience in the face of difficulties.
  4. ‘Tsöndru’ - Joyful effort: energetic attitude in the pursuit of the good and the wholesome.
  5. ‘Samten’ - Meditative concentration: Stability of the mind through cultivating mindfulness.
  6. ‘Sherab’ - Transcendental Wisdom: Insight into the true nature of reality, often described as the wisdom that realizes the emptiness of all phenomena.

In Vajrayana four additional aspects of excellence are added to the Bodhisattva’s training:

  1. ‘Thab’ - Skilful Means, the practice of specific efficient transformative methods.
  2. ‘Monlam’ - Aspiration, the practice of aspirations or the incubation the qualities of awakening.
  3. ‘Tob’ - Power, the cultivation of the ten powers of a Buddha and,
  4. ‘Yeshey’ - Primordial wisdom, the manifestation of coemerging wisdom in the here and now.

Such training aims at the pursuit of excellence by transcending the limitations of ordinary perception and conceptual thinking.

The development of the various aspects of Paramita rest on methods uplifting one’s vision, understanding, and conduct leading to the manifestation of the wisdom of the buddhas. There are two ways of listing the stages based on the exoteric teachings of the Sutrayana and the esoteric teachings of the Vajrayana.

Lama Sangyay Tendzin will introduce us to a clear understanding of each of the aspects leading to the excellence of the Bodhisattva’s Noble Conduct.

The term "Paramita" comes from the Sanskrit language and is often disputably translated as "Perfection".


Event ONE: November 10-16 in Phoenix
Friday 10 Invoking the Guru’s Blessing6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday 11Threading the Path of Virtue - Session 19:00 am to 11:00 am
Threading the Path of Virtue - Session 21:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Multimedia teaching on the View & The Meaning of Rituals by Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Sunday 12 Zhinay Practice - Session 19:00 am to 11:00 am
Zhinay Practice - Session 21:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Mahakala Puja4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Monday 13 Ceremony of Sojong & Prajnaparamita sutra7:30 am to 8:30 am
Zhinay Practice - Session 36:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday 16Eight Offerings



6432 E Hubbell Street
85257, Scottsdale,
Arizona, USA

Attending this event is on a Donation basis - Suggested donation: 125 US$


Request  more information (*)

Feel free to contact us …

Phone/Text  480 216-9828

(*)Zoom may be available for certain sessions upon request

Private meetings with Lama Sangyay Tendzin can be arranged. Please contact above to settle the time of your meeting. Donation on your appreciation.

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