
Maintaining his assignment to disseminate the teachings of Lord Buddha, known as Buddha-Dharma, and propagate the teachings of the Karma Kamtshang Lineage under the spiritual authority of His Holiness The Gyalwang Karmapa, Orgyen Thrinley Dorje, Lama Sangyay Tendzin conducts quarterly seminars on subjects related to the sadhana practiced at the centre.

Taught in a most traditional way these seminars are given in English with French translation. Key terminology is provided in Tibetan and Sanskrit whenever available. Transcripts of these teachings are made available by the end of the seminar. A list of these transcripts is given on the Konchog Tsegpa Parkhang website.
In the very near future, these texts will be available in the form of downloadable files which will be purchasable on the TNG Dharma Shop website.



Nyung-Nay Retreat

3 Cycles

March 18 to 25

Ven. Lama Sangyay Tendzin


25th Anniversary & Kagyüd Mönlam

June 20 to 22

Ven. Drubpön Dechen Rinpoche


Ven. Gyaltön Rinpoche's Visit

September 01 to 08

Ven. Gyaltön Rinpoche


Nyung-Nay Retreat (3 cycles)

October 04 to 12

Ven. Lam Sangyay Tendzin

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