Tsungmed Yeshe Dorje - the 11th Karmapa - (1676 - 1702)
Yeshe Dorje was born in the Mayshö region in east Tibet to a devoted buddhist family. Shamar Yeshe Nyingpo and Gyaltsab Norbu Zangpo recognized him as the next Karmapa in accordance with the instructions of the previous Karmapa. Yeshe Dorje went to central Tibet and was enthroned at Tsurphu monastery.
Yeshe Dorje received teachings and the Mahamudra lineage transmissions from Shamarpa. He also received the Terma teachings, which are the hidden teachings of Padmasambhava, from Yong-ge Mingur Dorje and Taksham Nüden Dorje. This fulfilled a prophecy of Padmasambhava that the eleventh Karmapa would hold certain terma lineages. Yeshe Dorje was a great visionary who performed many miracles.
Yeshe Dorje also located and identified the eighth Shamarpa, Palchen Chökyi Döndrub, who became his close student and next lineage holder. However, he was to be the shortest lived of the Karmapas. During his precious but brief existence, he blended both the Kagyu and Nyingma teachings.
He passed into parinirvana, leaving a detailed letter concerning his next incarnation with Shamar Palchen Chökyi Dhöndrup.

Tsungmed Yeshe Dorje - (1676 - 1702)


Yeshe Dorje was born in the Mayshö region in east Tibet to a devoted buddhist family.

Shamar Yeshe Nyingpo and Gyaltsab Norbu Zangpo recognized him as the next Karmapa in accordance with the instructions of the previous Karmapa.

Yeshe Dorje went to central Tibet and was enthroned at Tsurphu monastery. Yeshe Dorje received teachings and the Mahamudra lineage transmissions from Shamarpa.

He also received the Terma teachings, which are the hidden teachings of Padmasambhava, from Yong-ge Mingur Dorje and Taksham Nüden Dorje. This fulfilled a prophecy of Padmasambhava that the eleventh Karmapa would hold certain terma lineages.

Yeshe Dorje was a great visionary who performed many miracles. 

Yeshe Dorje also located and identified the eighth Shamarpa, Palchen Chökyi Döndrub, who became his close student and next lineage holder.

However, he was to be the shortest lived of the Karmapas. During his precious but brief existence, he blended both the Kagyu and Nyingma teachings.

He passed into parinirvana, leaving a detailed letter concerning his next incarnation with Shamar Palchen Chökyi Dhöndrup.

Excerpt from the official website of The Tsurphu Labrang

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